Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

That’s it for now.  Hope to see many of you in Livonia on 10/6!

Heads up: Rules for using the HoH meeting room: We must clean up the area when we are finished…which could include vacuuming.  Be sure you don’t leave behind any trash e.g. pop cans, etc.  The last one leaving the room must turn off the A/C or spaces heaters.  Always park in the rear lot.
We would like to welcome new member Carl Luther who seems way too nice to be a TRIAD.  I wonder how long until we break him???  ;-)
Chris Chalupa was there with his daughter…who had been doing some Irish dancing as part of the Irish Festival.
Here are a few shots…what can I say.  Why would anybody want to join this group...

Here comes another one of JR's stories about the one that got away!