Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
Enough already! Here a few more meeting photos.
There was wild talk about upping skill level 1.55’s rating to perhaps a 1.75 level. But cooler heads prevailed. His diorama was obviously a fluke and he is unlikely to model something like this again. He just got lucky. Here we have a 1/24th scale diorama of Jurassic Park U.S.A. Tour bus 38 has broken down…and as bad luck would have it…a rock slide just took down a section of electric security fence. Three dinosaurs have escaped and are about to start “snacking”. It’s sick I tell ya!
See you at the March Work Session!.
Doug Schuur amazed us with his 1/48th Monogram B-24 at the last S&T and today he blew us away with the J model which added nose and belly turrets. I love the engine smoke residue on the wings. Fantastic!
Man, ever since Prof. Leger retired, he’s turned into a model building machine! Here is his handsome Bell UH-1D Huey “Slick” as flown by the 1st Air Brigade out of Camp Holloway, Vietnam. You can almost hear those rotor blades spinning! Sweet, Bill!
.Yes, Bob Thompson brought in some great looking figures…but the cookies that his wife Linda sent us somehow seemed more important! ;-) Thanks, Linda! Seriously, Bob did a masterful job on these figures. The first two figures are from that battle of Kharkov which lasted from February 19 to March 15, 1943. 45,000 Russians were killed. Next are two Gebirgisjagers which are special German mountain troops. The last photo is a Mexican soldier from the battle of the Alamo.
This farmhouse may look big…but it is tiny 1/160th N scale. Look at all the detail that Al George manages to include. He used pastels and India ink to weather this beautiful structure. I love this stuff!!
It is a good thing Feller is so cute…because he pulled off his latest model without a hitch. BORING!! ;-) Well, we did find out that he is currently feeding 70 wild turkeys. I suppose this would be a good time to say something about birds of a feather…. Anyway, take a look at his beautiful 1/48th Monogram A-4 Sky Hawk. He used Eagle Strike decals and he hand painted with Model Master paint. So, none of the decals are on upside down. The plane isn’t tail heavy. The paint job is great. If Feller keeps this up, 2014 is going to be long, dull year! Great job, Feller!
Our President, JR Burggren, strikes again. Man, I wish I could model as well as he does. Jeez. Here is his early dirt track modified. The body is a resin Gremlin body (the Gremlin never looked this good!). The frame and other parts are from his extensive spares box. Yeah, there was also a whole bunch of scratchbuilt stuff. The decals were from his decal stash. Awesome, JR. I still can’t figure out how you painted those springs!.
.Mark Jahsan’s theme for today is “Experimental American Aircraft” from late WWII. In the photo below, the aircraft on the left may look like a normal P-47 but this is a Thunderbolt on steroids. It is the XP-72 which was mated to my beloved R-4360 radial engine. On paper it looked like a hot rod. In real life; not so much. The little guy in the middle is the XP-77 which was made mostly of wood. It was equipped with the new Ranger engine. Again, not such a great idea. The last plane is the XP-56 from Northrup which utilized a radial engine in pusher mode but, alas, not that effective. But all three of Mark’s models were highly successful! Thanks, Mark!