Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
Back by popular demand, Mark Welch brought in his 1/426 USS Arizona which was probably molded back in the 1970’s and cost him a mere $9.95. It was painted with Tamiya rattle can, added 3D printed details: AA guns, catapults, boats, cranes, and was rigged with EZ-line…well why doesn’t everybody use this stuff! 😉 The water base was made from Sculptamold which Mark found out is a pain to work with. Hey, it looked good last time, it still looks good!
Well, that’s it…small crowd; great models. See you in two weeks at the Work Session!
And lastly, we have his 1/100 Flames of War Jagdtiger painted as a unit hastily finished and rushed to Berlin having a red oxide primer. He shaved off the molded-on detail on the sides and added factory markings with a white colored pencil. Really cool
Next up is our President for life JR with his Will Cagle dirt modified from 1979 as seen in stock car racing magazine. It started life as an AMT Gremlin body which looks very cool and was popular back in the day. JR brought this beauty back in as a tribute to the driver who recently passed away. He used some of the kit and scratchbuilt a lot. He painted it with Model Master Classic White and Italian White. Wheels and tires are from his spares box. He hand painted the number…of course. Great and I love the Gremlin look!
Next is Seekman’s replacement, Spencer Kosc! We will start with his Trumpeter IL28 which he built OOB and painted with Tamiya. The antenna is made from EZ-Line. (I remember back in the day I was the only one who knew about this stuff!)
Spencer said it was a terrible kit and more of a sculpting project. Well, it turned out great, Spencer!
Next, we have his 1/100 Flames of War IS-2 tanks and 3 BA-64 armored cars which were painted with Tamiya and weathered with enamels. ID stripes on the tank were hand painted with Vallejo. He lost one of the turrets, so he made a replacement from styrene sheet. Those Russians don’t look very happy. Probably heard they are being shipped off to Ukraine! Nice Work, Spencer!
From the homepage we stay with Mark Jahsan and his two models from Metal Earth which are stainless steel PE kits! Himeji Castle is a real castle in Japan which is also know as White Egret Castle. Construction began in 1333 and expanded in the 1600’s and this is the largest castle in Japan, and it is made from wood. I wonder how they handle the termites! Very nice.
The Silver Dragon…which Mark didn’t know until he stated construction, was an expert level kit! But, that is what Mark is for crying out loud. He ain’t no skill level 1.55!