Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

See ya at the August Work Session!

One last photo of the guys having a good time!

And these guys look like they are heading for trouble….

For some reason, this photo reminds me of those three monkeys…see no evil, hear no evil, and speak no evil.  Am I wrong?  ;-)

Al George has done it again.  Another great model railroad vignette.  He calls it “Lean Acres” riding stable along the SNRR right of way.  There are five GHQ metal vehicles.  The farmhouse is from Laserkit and the barn is from Branchline.  He handmade the trees and the ground cover is from Noch, Wooldland Scenics, Pan Pastels, and Northeastern.  You get to see three views of this baby cause I love it!

Feller “The Phantom” Dewitt brought in Phantom F-4 model number 26 (with 27 more kits at home!).  This is the Airfix 1/72 kit but he used Microscale decals.  He hand painted using Model Master paint.  He said it was an easy build but it looks like a masterpiece.  Thanks, Feller!

Bob Thompson has been busy…running to the bathroom and building vignettes!  He brought in his three most recent masterpieces.  The first is the discontinued Tamiya metal and plastic WWII German artillery officer in a larger scale.  The second vignette is pretty gruesome…and fortunately you can’t see all the horrors of war in this photo but you can see the skeleton.  Yikes!  These are 1/35 ICM WWI German infantry trudging through the mud.  The third vignette is the new Tamiya Japanese WWII officers.  Bob wanted you to note the realistic facial features on the figures.  He used Model Color for all three vignettes.  Just terrific, Bob!  Glad you could join us today!

Eleven members and one guest gathered in air conditioned comfort for the Show and Tell.  Only four members had models/vignettes to display but they were all terrific and interesting.
Tom Bauer, yes, Tom Bauer, brought in an interesting model and two kits.  Oh, wait…the model was factory built and not by Tom.  Now this all makes sense!  ;-)  On the left, is the original kit by Adams which sold for $1.69 in 1959, the model, and the just released reissue by Glencoe for $29.95 or about 18 times the original price.  Can you spell inflation…oh, wait…I just did….  Thanks, Tom…very interesting.