This one is the zvezda 1/48 lavochkin la-5fn. Painted with hataka orange line lacquer, decals from Foxboro. Weathered with ammo mig panel wash and pastels. Really nice kit.

Older Airfix B-26 Marauder. There is far too much weight in the nose and I fear the landing gear won't support it forever. Painted with tamiya paints...again... Hand painted invasion stripes and tail band. Can't see it here but the bomb bay doors are open and waiting for armament when I get some better looking ones than the kit provides.  Hope to see you all in person soon.

Next is a four year project. 1/35 scale Hobby Boss M1070 truck & M1000 heavy transporter. This kit is a lot of work but it does look cool when you get it done.  A large amount of photo etched parts. Painted with Model Masters acryl pants. Overall not a bad kit, just a lot of work.  

Mark Jahsan reports in:  These are kits everyone should have built sometime in their life. Mr Gasser, Riff RAF and Daddy. All older builds of the later reissues, stuff from childhood is long gone.  It’s only a hobby, these definitely lighten the mood.  (So I guess that wasn't Doug's selfie....  Boy, it sure looks like him....  ;-) )

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Wow!  Those were some great looking models!  I still see a resemblance to Seekman.....  I can see how I got confused!

Two more models from the prolific Doug Seekman: This is the 1/48 ICM beechcraft navy snb-2c navigator trainer. Kit decals, painted with model master chrome silver, weathered with pastels. This kit went together really well. Can't wait to do it again.

Tom Miller: Hi Chuck thank you for doing this! (I always did like Tom the best!!)  Glad to see you had fun on Yankee Lady.
1/35 scale Italeri LVT-4 old kit but still fun. painted with Tamya acrylics and wethered with Mig productions. Added boxes and figures from Hobby Fan.

Let’s kick things off with two models from Stanley Carrier:  Here we have an Academy P39N. Painted with tamiya paints.