Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
The plan is to make a display box with the shop picture as the background, pictures when I finish that, but don’t hold your breath…
The kit is by Minicraft, but I think these molds have been around for a while. It’s a 1931 Model A, and there were a few variations- this panel truck, a sedan, a pickup, something like that, using the same chassis and front end, and different bodies.
Let's get started with Mark Jahsan: My great grandfather emigrated from Bohemia in 1882. His first job was working for the Pullman car company as a cabinetmaker. He did that for two years, then struck out and opened his own shop.
Roman is on the left, holding my grandfather Arthur’s hand. The girl on the right is my great aunt Libbie, don’t know the other gentleman. The picture is circa 1902, so this is an anachronism, but I think it’s a nice tribute anyway:
Doug Seekman: 1/48 revell F-86 painted with model master chrome silver. P.d. decals. Weathered with oil washes. Flat coated with Xtracolor flat varnish. Decal scheme represents the aircraft Francis Gabreski got his 5th victory in. He shared the aircraft with another pilot who also made ace in it. Obviously this happened during the Korean war. This about the 6th time I've built this one. No problems with it.
Keep those model photos coming! See ya next week!
Mark Beck: I finally built something worthwhile I got tired of building Gundams. I had been looking at this for awhile so I thought I would try to do it. Monogram kit painted with Tamiya sky blue then dry brushed with flat blue. The base was done with flat tan for the sand dry brushed with flat black and the rocks are flat blue and dry brushed with light blue for the edges and creases. This is my first time with dry brushing.