Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
Boy, those are some cool models! I like how Doug combined those two different paints for a great looking finish and I like the wake Mark created. See ya next week!
Mr. Doug Seekman, the member who single handedly is keeping this weekly report alive…week after week, has this to say:
This is the 1/48 bobcat kit of the yak-28 firebar. Painted with testors "little-jar" silver mixed with model master neutral gray. Kit decals; pavla ejection seats. Weathered with ammo-mig panel wash. The kit has some confusing instructions(who needs those anyway), but it went together really well.
Mark Jahsan decided to run silent, run deep this week: USS Gato, fleet submarine by AFV club. Simple kit, only about thirty pieces. Came with a couple torpedoes, this seemed like a good way to display them with the sub. I cut an oval out of clear, glued it to the periscope, then did a quickie wake paint.