Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

Doug second model is the Revell 1/48 B-17F, painted with model master enamel and alclad on the de-icers. Decals by zotz. Represents the first B-17 to complete 50 missions named "knockout dropper". Weathered with pastels, oils, and thinned Tamiya smoke to replicate oil and smoke stains. The interior of the nose has significant scratchbuilt items. The radio compartment is resin casted from the Monogram kit. Not as good as the monogram kit but the only option for a B-17F in this scale so it is what it is.​

Here is Doug Seekman's first model of the week: This is the AMT/ERTL 1/48 A-20b painted with model master enamel. Decals are from aeromaster, true details wheels and liferaft. Weathered with pastels and oils. Nice kit.

​Another week of awesome models...or at least an awesome kit!  See ya next week!

Mark Jahsan hit this one out of the park!  Tamiya Corsair, Aires resin for the open stuff, Aeromaster decals for the New Zealand AF. First time I’ve done this much opening and adding, but the Aires set was pretty easy to work with.

This week, we'll start with skill level 1.55's Lockheed P-38F/G Lightning.  Kit: Tamiya 61120.  Scale: 1/48
Modifications: None…built out of the box
Comments: In my 65 years of model building, this is the finest plastic kit I have ever had the privilege of building.  The fits are extraordinary.  What an absolute pleasure.  So much fun.  And the model was built in record time as the fits were perfect and so little clean-up.
The gear doors are incredible.  Landing gear detail incredible.  Cockpit detail incredible.  Even parts with three points of contact fit precisely.
Only things lacking in my opinion were PE a seatbelt…but not used if you use the pilot figure.  And maybe brake lines on the struts. And rubber/vinyl tires.
Paint: Mostly Gunze Mr. Color lacquer.  Also, Andrea, Vallejo, Tamiya, and Molotow.
Weathering: None…too damn pretty to mess up!
Markings: For 5th AF in the Pacific…father flew in the 5th.
Holy crap this kit is incredible!!!