Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
See the X-15?
Photos taken about 2/3's through model registration.
Would you believe this is a Trumpeter kit???
This modeler has won before...it is modeled after the actual plane in the photo.
A San Francisco treat!
Remember the movie, The Final Countdown?
For Tom Ralya...trolley man!
Look at the size of this thing! Has lights, too!
Jim Clark's 1968 Indy winner.
Unfortunately, I didn't have time to edit and to caption everything, so just look and enjoy. Something for everybody…well unless you do dirt track cars….
This is the winner of the first Indy 500. 1/25 scale...AND SCRATCHBUILT! The tires are styrene machined to look like white rubber. Hmmm...does this quality as a dirt track car??
The ship and airship are 100% scratchbuilt.
Love the shine!
This is for Rob!