Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
And coming in last…because that’s how the info sheets were stacked, is our outstanding modeler, Mr. Doug Seekman. These are both 1/48 scale, and the first is the Unimodel Bf-109G-6. Doug had this kit for ten years before starting. He painted it with Gunze Mr. Color, used the Quintas 3-D decal for the instrument panel, Ultracast for the seat, and pastels. This represents the aircraft flown by old one thumb, Guntheer Rall, third highest German Ace. Beautiful!
Stan Carrier did a 3D selfie! Well, maybe not. This is the 1/6 Brotherhood of Steel T-60 Power Armor with minigun. He painted this beast with Tamiya, Rustoleum, Gunze, acrylic paints, and dirt. He also 3D printed the barrels. He also utilized Scenics Woodland products on the base. Stan said to purchase this model would cost over $250…Stan’s cost was under $10 and 6 hours run time plus 30 minutes for the barrels. Still think it looks like him…..
They should name a theme park after Mark Jahsan…because when it comes to themes, he’s your guy. These are all 1/48 Japanese WWII aircraft service vehicles. From the left, we have the Tamiya Komatsu bulldozer…built in one day…and Mark says it is an excellent kit with great detail. Next is the Hasegawa Isuzu TX-40 airfield refueler. These two models were in Navy service. Another TX-40 modified as a cargo truck. The little guy is the Ombo kit of the Kurogane which had all wheel drive and powered by a motorcycle engine. Mark says it is about the size of our Jeep. These two vehicles were in Army service. Great job, Mark!
Here they are...what a sight to behold!
Here is his ICM/Eduard Do-17Z painted with Gunze Mr. Color. It is detailed with PE, an Eduard PE “Look” instrument panel. He said the kit decals were very good. He weathered this beauty with Ammo by Mig, washes, and pastels. This model represents and aircraft during from the Battle of Britain. This guy is so good.
Don't forget the WS is on the 4th Saturday, January 22.
I want to start off with Mike Teerman’s 1/35 WWI diorama. This is so nice! What grabs my attention is his brickwork. Realistic looking brick is difficult to pull off…but Mike’s is excellent…color me green with envy. This ruined church scene is a MiniArt vacuum formed kit…and they are difficult…ask me how I know. The figures were included and are from Dragon. The base is foam insulation board. Mike says the rubble was made from bits and pieces of whatever. That’s some good looking whatever! Great job, Mike.
JR strikes again! Jeez. The sprint car on the left he scratchbuilt in 1984…back in the olden days. See how the white has turned yellow…ah, the good old days. The techniques he used back then were primitive by today’s standards but look at the result! Unbelievable. The other car is built pretty much from the box. Get ready…all the printing is hand painted except for the Goodyear on the tires. Good grief. What a talent….
Al George’s handcar shed in ½” scale (1/24) is a sight to behold. Scratchbuilt board on board from bass and balsa wood. The handcar is made from pewter and along with the hand tools are from Wiseman Model Services and Ozark Mt. Miniatures. Figures are from Woodland Scenics. Al painted it with black ink wash, Life-Color, MMP, Pan Pastels, and Rottenstone. And the interior is also illuminated! Al does great work!