Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
Here is the armor category. I’m not even sure which one of Stan’s models won, but I think it was the Merkava in the back row. Awesome!
Here is Stan mixing the tickets. He did an excellent job!
In random order: here are the Presidents from each club tabulating the votes. JR and I thought it would be a good idea to ask them to participate.
Here are the automotive entries. JR is front center. The big blue car won Best in Show. My 1/35 Model T Shell tanker in the back didn’t do nothin’.
Here are Tom Ralya’s entries in the ship category. Both are scratchbuilt. Liked his stuff better than the winner’s.
Here is the standout model of the contest. Because it was standing out by itself….
Here are the TRIADs minus Stan (raffle) and JR (miscounting the votes).
Here is Sci-Fi/Fantasy. The yellow saucer on the right belongs to Mark Jahsan!
Here are the aircraft…like armor and automotive, some amazing models!! The Tamiya F-14 took first place.
Speaking of aircraft…here are several of the 1:1 variety that were in the hanger.
I’ll wrap up with two photos of the crowd. It was great fun under excellent conditions and I have to say our President did an excellent job in preparation and presiding over the event!
Here are the awards! TRIAD came home with three!