Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

​Here is the armor category.  I’m not even sure which one of Stan’s models won, but I think it was the Merkava in the back row. Awesome!​

​Here is Stan mixing the tickets.  He did an excellent job!​

In random order: here are the Presidents from each club tabulating the votes.  JR and I thought it would be a good idea to ask them to participate.

​Here are the automotive entries.  JR is front center.  The big blue car won Best in Show.  My 1/35 Model T Shell tanker in the back didn’t do nothin’.​

​Here are Tom Ralya’s entries in the ship category.  Both are scratchbuilt.  Liked his stuff better than the winner’s.​

​Here is the standout model of the contest.  Because it was standing out by itself….​

​Here are the TRIADs minus Stan (raffle) and JR (miscounting the votes).​

​Here is Sci-Fi/Fantasy.  The yellow saucer on the right belongs to Mark Jahsan!​

​Here are the aircraft…like armor and automotive, some amazing models!!  The Tamiya F-14 took first place.  ​

​Speaking of aircraft…here are several of the 1:1 variety that were in the hanger.​

​I’ll wrap up with two photos of the crowd.  It was great fun under excellent conditions and I have to say our President did an excellent job in preparation and presiding over the event!​

​Here are the awards!  TRIAD came home with three!​