.Prof. Leger showed off his Hobby Boss M706 armored car for MP’s. Bill ran into quite a problem with this build…the thinner he normally uses turned the paint into sludge. (I ran into this problem myself recently.) Stripping the paint and repainting with a different type of paint solved the problem…and he ended up with this beauty! Thanks, Bill!
Doug Schuur showed off three aircraft models. The first is a just beautiful 1/48 Monogram B-24D. I think Doug did a great job capturing the color of these aircraft…they started off tan and ended up a faded pink color. This aircraft was flown against the Ploesti oil fields. In the next photo we see a Corsair…well, two actually…a few generations apart! Good to see Doug back building models! Thanks, Doug.
TRIAD’s old goat brought in another goat! This time it is Tamiya’s new Gama Goat. While there is no poo with this goat, Bob Thompson did an expert job on this goat. Even the trailer wheels are powered through an articulated drive shaft. These units were loud, smoky, and not well liked by either the Army or the Marines. Bob added the standing figure. Great job as always Bob! If you can, check on the instrument panel and around the driver’s seat…lots of detail!
.Mark Jahsan’s theme for today was “gorgeous New Zealand aircraft”. The first began life as a SMER 1/48 Supermarine Walrus as seen circa 1940. This is a late 1950’s kit which meant he had to sand off the raised decal locaters! He built this model about twenty years ago. Next we have his Aeroclub 1/48 de Havilland Dragon Rapide. Mark said he wanted to fly this RNZAF plane…as it flew from the Fiji Islands on communication flights. Me, too! Great job on both, Mark!
There is no better way to start a S&T then with Feller Dewitt. Here is his beautiful Academy 1/48 P-47 Jug. Feller hand brushed with Model Master paint and used Super Scale International Decals. This was the last model he built in 2013 so he went out in style! You wouldn’t know it to look at the model, but Feller cracked us up, as usual, when he stated, “Lots of mistakes were made….” Thanks, Feller!
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TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
.Master Caleb Beck brought in two more Lego’s creations…and Caleb says both are scratchbuilt. The one on the right is a six cylinder drag racer and the other is his version of the Humvee. Watch out for that gun! Great job Caleb…and good to see you having a good time!
President JR Burggren showed off the oldest model he still has in his collection. He built this dirt track racer back around 1980 and is based on a real car (see photo). Back in the olden days, JR was forced to use plastic pick up and swizzle sticks to create the frame. He hand painted this piece of art. Awesome!
Next we have Bob’s kit bashed German figure. Bob used a head, hands, and who knows what else from his spares box to create this guy. He turned out nice. As one TRIAD wag commented…those Germans were always so friendly what with all that waving! Sweet, Bob!.
American Armor guru, Brad Hicks, amazed us with a fantastic Tamiya initial production German Tiger I tank. Brad used Model Master paint to bring us a tank as it would have appeared in North Africa. Brad also used some special decals. Great job, Brad! Be proud!