​Finally, we have arrived at skill level 1.55’s Hannah’s Bar and Grill/Girls!  This is a basswood kit with several modifications.  He added window treatments to most of the windows, gas and electric meters, a mailbox, parking meters, newspapers, a street light, manhole cover and storm drain, a red carpet leading upstairs to the brothel, scratchbuilt the fence, and added over a dozen LED lights.  In the nighttime image, you can see the car headlights and taillights.  ​

​Next from Tom we have a piece of history.  This tank model was constructed from tin cans and wood by a North Korean POW.  Too bad the barrel was lost to time.  This is really interesting!  Thanks, Tom​

Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

​Stan Carrier is preparing for deer hunting.  I’d stay out of the woods!  The little round is a 57mm antitank APC with the cap missing.  It was also used at the British 6 pounder and the M1.  The larger is the 76mm or 3” round used in the American WWII M10 tank destroyer.  Thanks for bringing those in, Stan!

​We will start off with our visitor and hopefully new member, Mark Welch.  He brought in a mammoth Heng Long R/C tank which is heavily modified.  This Panzer VIB King Tiger was commanded by Kurt Knispel who had a record 190 kills.  Mark replaced the wheels and tracks, the antenna, and the MG34 machine.  He highly recommends the 3D detail parts from Battleground.  The highly detailed gun was only $9!  This RC tank produces smoke and can fire BB’s 50-55’!  Dual motors power this beast.  Ralya wants him to upgrade to fire 22’s! Come back soon, Mark!

​Well, that’s it for this month’s S&T.  Great meeting and we hope the new guy comes back!  He seems a lot nicer that most of you guys!​

​Next, we have Mark Jahsan’s TINY 1/350 vignette of a famous WWII photo.  The little plane is from Dragon.  The figures, guns, and railing are from his spares box.  He scratchbuilt the deck.  So cool!​​

​Scott Herbert brought in his beautiful model of the Italeri MV-22 Osprey.  This aircraft is marked with HMX-1 designation which is the fleet in Quantico, VA that flies the President.  Scott commented that some of the parts could have fit better.  He beautifully painted it with Vallejo Model Air for the main colors and Vallejo Model Color and or AK 3rd Generation for the details.  He finished it off with AK weathering pencils.  Beauteous!!  ​

Nest up are two 1/48 Russian aircraft by Doug Seekman.  First is his Bobcat  Yak-28PP “Brewer” bomber version.  Doug did a phenomenal paint job…which required 8 different Ammo by Mig acrylic colors on the top! He used Pavla ejection seats, Barracudacast outrigger wheels, and then weathered it with Ammo by Mig washes.  The plane used two of the Mig 21 engines and could fly supersonic.  This plane is so cool!


​President JR brought in two models of the same dirt track car.  The car was owned and raced by Marv Pifer and JR used the Monogram Brad Doty Sprint Car kit.  He scratchbuilt the wing sides, braces, mud deflectors and hand painted the numbers and sponsors. Model on the right.

The second car he basically scratchbuilt back in 1984 I think he said.  Can you imagine how much work went into this car??  Fantastic work, Mr. President.​

​Tom Miller’s first model is a Dragon M4A3E8 as it appeared during the Korean War 1950.  He added the red to the shark nose to make it historically accurate.  Tom said the tracks and decals sucked.  He used Ammo by Mig paint and Star Decals.  Another standout Sherman by Mr.Miller!  ​

Here is Doug’s Trumpeter u-11 “Fishpot” painted with Gunze Mr. Color Silver.   It has the Eduard PE interior, Wolfpack ejection seat, and weathered with Amoo by Mig washes.  This guy does amazing work!