Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

Skill level 1.55 starts us off with a unique modeling subject:

Kit: Tichy kit #7019Scale: HO 1/87 (9" tall)
My third Tichy kit in a row and my last!  Who remembers where Point Place is?  Well, I’ll tell ya.  It was the make-believe town where That Seventies Show took place and if you ever watched it, you know the six cast members frequently climbed up the tower and sat on the walkway.  But my damn figures wouldn’t fit!!
Used Archer Transfer water slide rivet decals to replace the ones removed during removal of the mold parting lines.  They are fantastic!  I’m going to be putting rivets on EVERYTHING!
Paint: Tamiya Fine gray primer, Gunze lacquer paint, Floquil aged concrete, and many types of weathering.


My second model is a 1929 IH SIX SPEED VAN
Kit:  Showcase Miniatures #3001
Scale: HO 1/87
Model of 1929 International Harvester six speed van (3 speed transmission X 2 speed axle = 6 speeds).  Kit is resin, white metal, and PE.  Fairly straight forward…few parts (17).  Made decals for the manufacturer…mom and pop operation…gal is very nice…great customer service.  Placed a female figure in the driver’s seat looking out the side window but you can’t see her.
Paint: Tamiya fine gray primer, Gunze Mr. Color lacquer, several acrylic paints.
Was fun!
Just learned that Showcase Miniatures wants to use the photo with their online ad for the kit.  Well, that should kill off the sales…….

The classic airframes 1/48 Boulton Paul defiant. Painted with model master enamel. Kit decals, weathered with oils and pastels. This one went together pretty good.  (That is so cool!)


Doug Seekman's says this is the first time he's built a pink airplane. (Yeah, the first time he's admitted it!  ;-) )  This the 1/48 hasegawa spitfire mkIX converted to a photo recon version. The aircraft was armed and painted pru pink for high altitude operations. The paint is Xtracolor pru pink; decals from barracudals; weathered with oils and pastels. Nice kit.