Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

This one is the promodeler 1/48 BF-110G-4. Painted with model master enamel. Decals are from aeromaster. Weathered with oils and pastels. When this kit came out in 1996 I was pretty geeked on it. Couldn't wait to build it and all that. This is the 5th time I've built it and feel the same way about it now as then. Significantly simple kit to do. Really good kit considering it's the cheapest also. 

Skill level 1.55 tells you more than you ever wanted to know:
Kit: Foscale Jensen Tower
Scale: HO 1/87
Comments: Main building a total loss so built the small outbuilding that came with kit and heavily kitbashed it.  Tichey Train Group windows, exterior light, and door.  Chimney from the spares box.  Roll tar paper roofing material from Builders in Scale.  Door modified to show damage and sag.  Roof shows partial collapse.  Windows broken out.  Foundation added.  Scale lumber used.  Structure is 2.75” wide.  A lot of fun.
Paint…walls were primed and then painted with craft paint. 
Weathering: India ink, oil washes, PanPastels, weathering powders, etc.
Scenery: numerous products used including static grass.


Well now, that didn't take long!  See ya next week!

Here we go with Doug Seekman's first beauty of the week: This is the dragon 1/48 BF-110d nachtjadger. Painted with gunze Mr Color. Decals are from owl. Seatbelts are Eduard super fabric. Weathered with pastels. I built this a couple of years ago with a "spanner" infrared searching system on it. Didn't have any problems then, but the radar on this one was a little fiddly. Still probably the best kit out there of an early 110. Nice kit.