Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
Here are a few photos from the Yankee Lady. So much fun…but sobering when you think about the 79,265 airmen who lost their lives flying the B-17. That is a horrendous number.
That's all for this week. Our best wishes go out to Jerry, Alan, and Tom and we'll see you back here next week!
Doug Seekman's first model: This is the revell 1/48 PBY-5. Painted with a pretty good assortment of paints: Tamiya aluminum on the fuselage; model master chrome yellow on the top of the wing; model master aluminum on the propellers; alclad aluminum on the beaching gear. Aeromaster decals representing a U.S. coast guard aircraft from pre-ww2. Weathered with pastels and oil washes. Pretty nice kit.
Keith Lemke reports in: Facebook online entry, some of us made this up coming issue. I believe my dio will be in here. (That's exciting, Keith!)
Doug's second beauty: This one was on the forum site back in March. The dragon 1/48 fw-190a-5 built as an fw-190a-6/r11 nightfighter. Painted with gunze Mr Color. Peddinghaus decals; scratchbuilt fug-217 radar aerials; Quickboost resin seat. Weathered with ammo mig panel washes and pastels. Nice kit.
Doug's third model: An oldie but goodie: monogram p-39 airacobra painted with model master enamels; superscale decals; weathered with oils and pastels. Really nice kit.
(Note...these images not suitable for young children or immature adults. Don't look, JR!!)
Mark Jahsan: This is the old Monogram kit of the Flying Sub from Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea. Fun little build of a cool concept.