Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
Scott Herbert went to the dark side today and built two models out of basswood. The little one is a 1/24 Model Shipways Shipwright Series which is a skill level 1 kit…if you say so. It is a Lowell Grand Bank Dory. This kit teaches you to build a wood ship model. It uses laser cut basswood sprues. The parts require a lot of shaping and sanding to get the right fit. Wood glue and clamping required! Awesome, Scott!
The bigger boat is a 1/12 Model Shipways kit and is a skill level 2…and Scott is saying he is calling it quits at level 2! 😉 This is obviously a much more complex build with the sail and rigging. He enjoyed building this ship models but prefers styrene! Welcome back to the fold!
Ooops...my bad....
Doug Seekman was back with three more 1/48 aircraft models. Boy is this guy good. This is his Revell/ICM Do-2175-2 painted with Gunze Mr. Color, decals from the kit, Eduard superfabric seat belts, weathered with Ammo by MIG washes and pastels.
This is the 1/72 Hasegawa Ohka made OOB from a G4M combo kit. He used Tamiya paint and tape seatbelts and he added the interior fuselage structure using styrene strips. Glad this guy is back with us on a regular basis!! (PS the coin was 1:1 scale!)
Skill level 1.55 was called on to go first today. An honor and a privilege! This 1/87 wood kit was heavily modified to represent a fictional version of the original House of Chan and Walt Plant appliance store located on West Western Ave in Muskegon. I won’t bore you with all the details but there was a bunch.
Spencer Kosc, now working full-time and I’m sure missing all the hot babes up north, brought in two great models. Here is his Acii Ki-61 built OOB but added tape seatbelts, the Hinomaru (jeez, used that word twice in one meeting!) decals from various Tamiya kits, tail insignia was stenciled silver from Tamiya rattlecan, green from Vallejo chipping medium, rebuilt the nose using green stuff epoxy. Have you EVER seen better looking peeled paint?!?!
Next we have his Promodeller BF-110G-4. This was also painted with Gunze Mr. Color, Owl Decals, Eduard PE seatbelts, and weathered with Ammo by MIG washes and pastels. This plane was flown by Germany’s highest scoring night Ace who shot down 121 British aircraft. Jeez…a one made air force.
And here we have his Italian MC-205 “Veltro” painted with Tamiya, decals from Third Group, Ultracast seat and exhausts, Quickboost oil coolers, and weathered with Ammo by MIG washes and pastels. Like I said, this guy is sooo good!
Mark Jahsan fired up the WABAC machine to take us back 35 years. First, we have his 1970 Firebird Formula 400 converted from a 1/12 scale Doyusha Trans Am kit. It has working suspension and doors. He filled the shaker scoop and made formula scoops. He scratchbuilt the rally wheels. He wired and plumbed the engine, and he made an unbelievable personalized license plate. What a beauty, Mark!
That's it! Remember the April S&T will be the third Saturday!
Next is Mark’s incredible 1/24 A6M3 model 32 converted from Bandai’s A6M5 model 52. He scratchbuilt a bunch of the cockpit details, squared off the wingtips, new cowl flaps and exhaust, and painted on the Hinomaru and stripes. He made the decals using what he calls decoupage process. Amazing.