Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!

​And lastly, his Monogram F9F-5 Panther painted with AK 3G acrylic.  Decals from Sprue Brothers Korean Ware commemorative decals set and weathered with Ammo by MIG washes.  The pilot of this plane, Royce Williams, shot down 4 Mig 15’s during one mission over North Korea.  Another beauty!

​Lastly, we have Tom Miller’s little puny Sherman tank. How embarrassing!  OK, OK, I’m kidding!  But Tom’s model was a fraction of Mark’s Panzer IIIH!  But it is a beauty!!!  The model was built completely from his spares box.  It is a USMC M4a2 Sherman flame tank, 4th tank battalion, C Company on Iwo Jima.  It was painted with Ammo by MIG.  The decals are from Kagero/Star.  It took him one month to build.  Modifications:  turret from Italeri, hull 4 pieces Zvezda, lower hull Italeri, roadwheels and tracks DML, hull wood balsawood, wading stacks Tank Work Shop, PE Eduard, and the sandbags are from Pegasus.  You did a fantastic job on this, Tom!! ​

​Next is Doug’s Hasegawa P-47D Thunderbolt painted with Gunze Mr. Color, decals from SKY, Ultracast Resin seat (look at that seat!), weathered with Ammo by MIG washes and pastels, and the prop from a Tamiya kit.  Awesome!​

Don't forget to pay your dues by the next meeting so you can participate in the pot luck!  See you there!

​This imitation KV-1 tank, the Amusing Hobby FV 4005 British tank destroyer, was built on the Centurion chassis to carry the massive 183mm gun.  This is the stage 2 prototype with the full turret.  The barrel was a whopping 7.2” in diameter.​

​Stan Carrier brought in two very green tanks!  First is his Revell 1/36 Leopard 2A4 Polish version converted to a Ukrainian 24ABV with his 3D printed Kontakt ERA bricks.  It was painted with Tamiya and he replaced the tracks with Scn-Xin tracks.  So sharp!​

​Doug Seekman was out of control. He always brings in two 1/48th aircraft models and today he brought in three.  This is more than I can handle!!  First is his Hobby Boss F-80C Shooting Star painted with Gunze silver.  Just look at those panel lines!!!  He added a True Details seat, Sprue Brothers Korean War commemorative decals, and weathered this puppy with Ammo by MIG washes.  What a beautiful model.​

​We will kick things off with something very unusual…Mark Welch…well, he’s not that unusual…but his model sure is!  He brought in his huge 1/16 Heng Long Panzer III H.  It portrays a tank of I/8th Panzer Regiment, 15 Panzer Division about the time of the Tobruk siege early in the Afrika Korps campaign.  It is painted in Tamiya dark yellow and a brown wash.  Mark added some PE such as the air intake grille.  He also added an aftermarket antenna (I don’t see it!).  At the January S&T, Mark will bring in back in and put it through its paces!  I have requested target practice on JR….  Back in the day, Mark paid $286 which seems pretty reasonable to me.​  Fantastic job with the weathering, Mark!!!