Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
That’s a wrap! See ya at the Work Session!
We’ll wrap up with some photos. It’s what I do!
The incumbent President JR brought in a beautiful circa ’76 Vega pavement modified racer. JR modified the tires for pavement racing (now they are slicks) and updated the interior to improve the look. Rattle can paint and decals finished off this beauty. He does good work!
Doug Schuur just completed this impressive 1/32 Trumpeter A-10 Warthog…which is good because the guy who paid for the model was waiting outside the meeting room! Doug said it was a pretty nice kit but the decals were poor. I wonder why nobody wants to purchase my models??
Bill Leger continues his helicopter theme with an awesome Revell 1/32 Bell AH-1. It is a terrible kit with bad flash and poor fits. And the canopy sucks too. Bill replaced the skids with aluminum tubing. He scratched the rocket pods. The end result is spectacular despite the difficulties encountered. Way to go, Bill!
Bob Thompson thought it was time to build and paint some figures! First up is his ten-year-old Emhar WWI British tank and he added five Tamiya Brits (one is behind the tank…he was shy). Don’t miss the arm of the dead Kraut. You can almost smell it from here…. Next is his 101st Airborne Screaming Eagle painted in Indian war paint with Mohawk hairdo. The next two guys are from Tamiya. Bob’s wife Linda says the guy on the phone is talking with a telemarketer and if he doesn’t get off, the other guy is going to shoot him in the head! Lastly, we have the guy with the camera. The other guy started out as a French tanker but Bob converted him into a German. The figures were from Jerry B from a Takom kit he had. Tom Ralya, a former military photographer, said the camera was likely an American Crown Graphic. Go figure! Very nice, Bob!
The meeting got off to a rough start when Jerry B asked the question, what do you get when you drop a piano down a mine shaft…A Flat Minor. And Feller told us about a young man who showed up at his door for Halloween all dressed up in a sport suit and tie with those yellow Easter Peeps stuck all over his coat and pants. Feller asked him what he was supposed to be, and he said, “A chick magnet”. And Al George said that Bob had fought in the “evolutionary” war…and I said, “And he lost”.
A reminder that TRIAD is hosting this year’s P&P. Your assistance will most likely be required. I have not heard anything about this year’s American Salute. If the organizer doesn’t give us enough time, we’ll have to pass. Much of the meeting was spent talking about us putting on a model show. Tom Bauer, in one of his rare lucid moments, suggested that we have a hobby show and invite the rocket club, RC club, etc. We are thinking about holding it at the Mona Shores HS if they will have us. This idea I can get behind. Sounds like fun
.Feller Dewitt said it was just another Revell 1/48 F-106 Delta Dart. That may be but his model certainly isn’t just another F-106. He hand painted with Testors paint and used Super Scale decals. This aircraft was part of the 87th Fighter Interceptor Squadron based up at Shaw AFB. Great job, Feller. We’re all stuck on you!