The President put on a clinic on how he hand brushes his cars with Testors enamel paint. He uses a round Red Sable brush and un-thinned paint. He applies the pant in a heavy coat and the paint will level a bit during drying. He sometimes applies two coats. Note that he adds the paint color to the top of the bottle for easy identification.
Skill level 1.55 showed off one of his handy little alligator clips he uses for holding small parts for airbrushing. When finished, he sticks them into a piece of foam to dry. Works very well!
He also showed off his Loctite gel CA. The bottle allows for very precise control and the gel is good for tacking a small part in place.
Alan Vandam showed off a handy little cordless tool for grinding. He picked this up at a beauty supply store. Kinda like a min-Dremel that is easier to hold and runs at a lower rpm. Thanks, Alan!
Next Doug showed us how he adds paint chips…e.g. on an aircraft. He uses Testors aluminum enamel in the little bottles.
Doug’s last tool was a double edged saw that is made from a razon blade that has had saw teeth cut into it. They are very sharp but they can’t cut very deep…you need to remove the blade from the saw which can be a little tricky.
Next, he cuts a very small piece of packaging foam.
Boy oh boy...what a fun meeting. TRIAD is so much fun! If you have any kits to donate to the Ridout raffle, bring them to the June S&T. See ya in two weeks!
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He then lightly dabs the paint on areas where the paint would have chipped off.
Next are Doug’s special scissors for cutting PE. They cut very cleanly. When handled with care, they are not lethal….
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society
We started off with Doug Seekman who showed us how he makes pitot tubes. He starts with telephone wire and strips off the insulation. JR says the wire size is .020”. These pitot tubes look fantastic!
Using Tweezers, he dips the foam into the paint and then removes most of the paint as in drybrushing.