Eight members, two new guys, one long lost member, and one dog huddled together to discuss modeling tips (Thanks Tom Bauer!) and other worldly topics. Returning member Dale Younkers, and new guys Ken Boucher, and Dan Tyler fit right in and will be welcome additions to our merry band of styrene junkies. JR almost worked on a Rat Trap Vega which will become a pavement modified car. Jerry was plodding along on individual track links for his Takom WWI French heavy tank St. Chamond…which I had never seen before .Bob Thompson just completed repairs to a reproduction helmet…painting and then sealing with semi-gloss finish. Looked great. He is also working on a 1/35 BMW motorcycle and figures. Prof Leger has dipped his toes into the amazing MENG Bradley. No, it won’t be ready in two weeks….In case you missed it, TRIAD will conduct three Make & Takes during the June, July, and August Work Sessions. We will need volunteers but if the usual gang shows up for the Work Session, we should be OK. Don’t forget to wear all or some of your TRIAD fashion wear to the May 3 S&T…we will be taking a club photo…help celebrate our 30th year! Enjoy the photos
Home of the modeling savants....Celebrating forty years of modeling fun, education, and history in 2025!
TRIAD Plastic Modeling Society